I’ve created an R wrapper for Spotify’s API. It is currently still in testing, development. It was developed on Ubuntu, but I’ve had successful tests on Windows 7 too.
It currently launches Firefox through RSelenium for the full authorization code flow. Chrome and IE will eventually be supported, but are not yet. All data from endpoints is converted to lists. If you just want access to the public endpoints, this is not necessary.
Some of the objects (artists, albums, playlists) have helper functions to convert to data.frame
, but not all yet, and this is the next major development plan.
Requires Firefox for initial authentication for any of the endpoints that operate on user data.
For any usage below, you’ll need to have proper credentials from Spotify. Sign up for an account here and create an app.
# First Step: make client_id and client_secret available to other function
Authenticate with Client Credentials
client_tokens <- get_tokens()
Authenticate with Authorization Code
# Opens Browser window asking for permission to access data
# Requires Spotify account and for user to login
user_code <- get_user_code()
# Assigns tokens for later use.
# This creates a variable access_token in the Global Environment
# that all future functions will access.
user_tokens <- get_user_token(user_code)
# If your access_token expires and you need to refresh your tokens
# With no parameters specified, looks for refresh_token in the Global Environment
refresh_tokens <- refresh_user_token()
# If you want, you can explicitly specify the refresh token
refresh_tokens <- refresh_user_token(user_tokens$refresh_token)
Basic Usage
Search for Data
Get information, identifiers, images, etc. for artists, albums, songs or playlists that match the query text. No authentication is required for this function.
# Search for an artist
# Get top search result
# Search for an album
search('South Of Heaven',type='album')
Get Information About Artist
Search for an artist by Spotify ID and get information about band, genre, images, etc. No authentication is required for this function.
# Get all albums by Slayer on Spotify
# Get top tracks of Slayer in the US. Country code required.
# Get related artists according to Spotify in list
# Get related artists according to Spotify and simplify to a data.frame
Access Library information
There are endpoints to access and modify data in user’s library
# Get the last 2 tracks saved by the user.
Get information about what artists a user is following, add/remove followers from user, check if a user is following someone
# Get list of all artists a user is following
# Check if my account is being followed.
# Follow my account
# Check if Slayer is being followed. Use Spotify Artist ID
# Follow Slayer
User Profile Data
# Specific user's data
# Get the user who is using the application